Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why it's a good thing that Wally Oppal lost

Wally Oppal is an affable person, with a good pre-politics reputation.
But he's been an ineffectual minister, often appearing poorly informed and out of touch on issues that were his responsibility.
Over at publiceyeonline.com, Sean Holman offers a small, but telling example, based on an FOI request.
And the biggest train wreck of a scrum I've seen in years came during the controversy over the death of Sherry Charlie. Oppal was responsible for the Children and Youth Officer at that point. On a hugely critical issue - the death of a toddler for whom the government had a responsibility - he was slapdash, uninformed about his responsibilities and hadn't read the basic report. It was dismal.
More positively, the result - if it stands up after a judicial recount - means that the voters in Delta South decided they wanted an independent candidate they respected and believed would represent them well.
It's a solidly Liberal riding, or should be. The result indicates how badly the people there feel abused by the government, over health care, a treaty settlement they believe ignored their concerns, unwanted roads and controversial power line forced in the community.
And it shows the price that can be paid if MLAs - like Liberal Val Roddick - are seen as more loyal to the party than the community.
Independent Vicki Huntington will be wooed by the Liberals. It would be better for democracy - or more interesting - if seven Liberal MLAs joined her as independents. That would mean that in any vote, the MLAs voting the party line as ordered wouldn't decide the issue. The independents would.


Norm Farrell said...

Paul, are you hinting there is a possibility? No doubt a few in the back row have unkind thoughts for the great leader but they would have to be sufficiently strong in numbers to avoid the retaliation that could be painful at home.

seth said...

Oppal smokal this just in!!

A White Rock politician just got the boot and assessed court costs and the cost of a new election because the Supreme court decided on the balance of probabilities that he knew that his wife was going to send out a nasty mail before she sent it.

The court boots a politician because he might have lied!!! Wow!!!

Seems to me that gives us the authority to use the courts to boot Gordo's entire gang? Can you spell Fudget budget one more time.

Perhaps the Taxpayers federation will start the Supreme court action!!! NOT.