Sunday, October 26, 2008

James gets TV time too

A few eyebrows were raised when Gordon Campbell used the provincial legislative TV channel to broadcast his speech on the economy. The channel had been used to bring the proceedings in the legislature to cable subscribers around the province. It hadn't been seen as a communications vehicle for the governing party.
And, it looks it isn't. Carole James has successfully argued she deserves the chance to talk about the economy on the legislative channel. (A good decision by Speaker Bill Barisoff, once he allowed the premier's TV speech.)
Stay tuned.


For Immediate Release
October 26, 2008


VICTORIA -- NDP Leader Carole James will deliver a televised statement on the economy on Monday, October 27 at 6:15 PM.

The statement will air on Hansard television.

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Gary E said...

So now Paul the question is: When will Ms James get equal time at 6:15pm on the stations that carried Campbells election campaigning. And After that when will she get the same number of words in The Sun, The Province, The Victoria Times Colonist and The National Post.

I for one would sure like to know.

Anonymous said...

Somebody asked Norma spector the day before Gordo did his speech. Norman said she should ask for the same amount of time to rebut his stuff but not until the next day which would give her time to formulate a good answer. seems thqt's what is going to happen